If You Would like to send valid records or letters from facsimile (fax), then You may normally should include a facsimile cover sheet. A facsimile cover sheet is a page that includes prior to the initial page of this correspondence or record You're sending and contains information such as:

· The title of this company the facsimile is being shipped to (if relevant)

· The title of the individual at the business which the letter or document is shipped to

· The facsimile number of the business or man the file is currently shipped to

· Your title

 Your phone number, telephone number, current email and other contact details

 The phrase "URGENT" in case the facsimile is barbarous

  A succinct description of this correspondence or record being delivered, for example the number of pages the fax is (such as the cover sheet)

 A statement in terms of this effect which the fax will be confidential and for the intended receiver just

 Your signature.

 It Is a Great idea to test with the person or organisation You're sending the facsimile to if it'll soon be received in a discreet place. If the facsimile is really a shared server in a open area and you also wish to send confidential files, then you might choose to send a email or letter in lieu of a facsimile.

 There Are Numerous templates for facsimile cover sheets accessible on term Processing applications, such as Word, which let you fill out the relevant information.

 A facsimile cover sheet may look like that:


 X Y Z





 Out of




 Reunite Facsimile






 R E


 This facsimile is confidential. If You Aren't the intended receiver, Please notify me instantly.

 Dear Sir,

 Please see enclosed a copy of my registered in the District

 Yours truly,

 Gloria Yan

 Form 07-02 will be always to be utilized The agency manager at the Regional Authority (LA) comprises Form 07-02 when faxing requests into the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC), Usage Management and Inspection, IDD Waivers Program Enrollment/Utilization Review (PE/UR) device to Someone's transport, lasted suspension or conclusion.

 Crucial: Don't facsimile a petition until later each one the data entry screens are done from the Client Assignment and REgistration (CARE) System, unless asked by HHSC.

 Thorough Directions

Input this date.


 Fax No. -- Input the name of the average person in HHSC PE whois to obtain the facsimile, along with the recipient's area code and telephone number.

Fax No.

Telephone No.

Local Authority (LA) and Manhunter Component Code -- Input the title of this Manhunter and its own part code.

 Assess the Appropriate box under -- Check the box which indicates the kind of request and make sure that supporting documentation is contained in the facsimile.




Keep on





if you want to know  more about fax cover sheet click here.